Recruitment FAQ
Who is eligible to join Cub Scouts?
• Girls or Boys in K – 5th grade in Fall of 2021.
Who is Pack 88?
• Pack 88 is chartered to SPJST Lodge 88 in the Heights.
• We have scouts from Travis, Helms, Wharton, Harvard and many other schools.
• We currently have ±120 scouts and anticipate having ±120 when Fall recruiting ends.
• We are part of the Lone Star District in the Sam Houston Area Council.
I’ve signed up with Pack 88, what happens now?
• Attend a Pack meeting for information for New Scout Families while the Scouts participate in the meeting.
• Summer events are hosted by the Pack and attended by Scouts and their families.
• In Fall, new Scouts are assigned to a Den and notified by the Cubmaster.
• During the school year, Scouts attend ~2 meetings with their Den and one with the Pack every month.
• Throughout the calendar year there are special events with the Pack. See the calendar on the next page.
What is a Den and Den Meeting?
• A Den is a group of 6-8 (max. of 10) girls or boys of the same age/grade level. Dens are grouped by the following ranks:
Lion (Kinder, accompanied by an Adult Partner)
Tiger (1st grade, accompanied by an Adult Partner)
Wolf (2nd grade)
Bear (3rd grade)
Webelos (4th grade) – Den is called a Patrol
Arrow of Light (5th grade) – Den is called a Patrol
• During the school year, a Den meets ~2x/month at a time and location set by the Families and Den Leader.
• Each Den works toward earning their rank. The adventures they must complete are outlined in the Cub Scout Handbooks and are fun, meaningful and age-appropriate.
What is the Pack and Pack Meeting?
• All Dens combined make up the Pack. During the school year, all Dens meet together monthly at the Pack Meeting attended by Scouts and their Families.
• At Pack Meetings, Awards are presented and Activities, Songs, Skits, and Announcements are shared.
• In Summer, Scouts and their Families attend a monthly event hosted by the Pack. Past offerings have included a pool party, roller skating, and a water carnival.
• Many Pack 88 Scouts and parents also participate in the Skyline District Twilight Camp in June.
What is a Committee Meeting?
• The Pack Committee is the administrative and planning group. All Leaders attend, but any Adult is welcome.
• Unless otherwise announced, Committee Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 – 8pm at Studewood Cantina. The Committee meets year-round.
How will I know what the Pack is doing?
• Den & Pack Meetings are the best way to stay informed. Information is relayed at Den & Pack meetings.
• Scoutbook The Pack & Den calendars, roster, and Scout advancement records are maintained through this web-based service. All Families will be invited and must join Scoutbook. Information and reminders about activities is sent by email and texts through Scoutbook, as well as urgent cancellations or delays.
• Any Den or Pack Leader is available at any time for questions. Feel free to contact us.
Tentative Pack 88 Calendar 2021-2022
• September –Welcome new Scouts and Families!
• October – Popcorn Sales and Fund-Raiser to help fund program for the year
• November – Fall Campout
• January 2022 – Pinewood Derby, Scouting Spring of Service
• February – Spring Campout, Scout Fair Coupon Book Sales and Scout Sunday
• April – Blue & Gold Banquet
• April – Scout Fair – Scouts from 16 counties converge to showcase their Scouting skills
• May – Final Pack Meeting of the School Year
• June – District Twilight Camp (4-night evening camp)
• July & August – Pack Summer Parties
What does each Scout need to participate?
• Cub Scout Uniform with Pack insignia (required). Tigers, Wolves and Bears wear blue uniforms—buy the shirt large and they can wear it several years. Webelos wear khaki and olive like Scouts BSA. Lions wear shorts and a uniform T-shirt.
• Rank Handbook (required) outlines the rank requirements and program that Scouts follow all year.
• Pack 88 Activity T-shirt (recommended) Worn on campouts and other messy Pack events where formal Uniforms are not appropriate. Available to both Scouts and family in adult and child sizes.
How much does it cost?
• Dues (required) pro-rated membership of for the remainder of 2021 plus $ for 2022 ($60/yr)
• Boys Life magazine (recommended) pro-rated fee $1/month for the remainder of 2021, and $12 for 2022.
• Rank Handbook (required) $13 for paperback, or $19 for spiral bound.
• Cub Scout Uniform (required) ±$100 initially for a shirt, shorts, cap, belt, socks, neckerchief, slide and pack insignia, and then $15 – $25 each year to buy a new rank cap and/or belt. Lion uniform T-shirts are $10. There are also gently worn uniforms available for purchase at the Scout Center at a reduced cost.
• Awards and Patches throughout the year are provided by the Pack, including the Scouts’ new rank neckerchiefs and slides at the end of the program year.
• Special Events $20 from each family in Fall and again in Spring for the Pack Campouts to offset the cost, and a suggested donation of $20/family or $5/person at our annual Blue & Gold Banquet.
• Pack 88 Activity T-shirt (recommended) $10, purchased from the Pack.
• Pack 88 supports fund-raising activities during each Scout year. All Scouts are expected to participate.
Where can I find more information on Cub Scouts?
• Dedicated Website:
• Sam Houston Area Council: or Lone Star:
• Boy Scouts of America:
• The Scout Shop is a one-stop-shop for all things Scout related, at the Cockerell Scout Center, on the corner of East T.C. Jester and the 610 Frontage Road. Hours are Monday – Saturday